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Haunted On Bourbon Street by Deanna Chase (Book Review)

Man it's been a while, but I did promise, so here I am. I'm back bitches. :D Enjoy.

Series: Jade Calhoun #1
Release Date: December 4th 2013
Pages: 262
Genres: Fantasy, Paranormal, Mystery, Damsel in distress.
Websites: Author Website Author Facebook Amazon(Com)(Free at time of review on Kindle!)  Amazon(UK) (Also free at time of review!)  

Blurb: 'Jade loves her new apartment—until a ghost joins her in the shower. 

When empath Jade Calhoun moves into an apartment above a strip bar on Bourbon Street, she expects life to get interesting. What she doesn’t count on is making friends with an exotic dancer, attracting a powerful spirit, and developing feelings for Kane, her sexy landlord. 

Being an empath has never been easy on Jade’s relationships. It’s no wonder she keeps her gift a secret. But when the ghost moves from spooking Jade to terrorizing Pyper, the dancer, it’s up to Jade to use her unique ability to save her. Except she’ll need Kane’s help—and he’s betrayed her with a secret of his own—to do it. Can she find a way to trust him and herself before Pyper is lost?'

Plot: Hmm, not quite what I thought the book was about, but then again it is a difficult book to explain. I'll leave the plotline to you to figure out. 

My idea of Kane.
Likes: I quite liked this book, first of all I liked the main male lead, Kane, phew, he even sounds hot. With a name like that you know you're in for a manly main character. Is it bad that I want Kane as a bodyguard? He just sounds like he'd make a good body guard. What I liked about this book is that I went looking for a human paranormal book with a female protaganist, which is exactly what I got, whilst a bit whiny and VERY damsel in distressy, you gotta love Jade in the end, she's had a tough oul time and yet she still sticks up for and fights for her friends. However sometimes it does feel like she's trying to be a very bad version of Sookie Stackhouse or something, but only sometimes, and it's probably just the empath thing.

Dislikes: Like I said, if you don't like when the female lead is doing the 'Damsel in distress' thing, you WILL NOT like this book. She faints A LOT. I liked it at the beginning, the whole idea of Kane being there for her, but it very quickly gets annoying. I kind of wish she was a teeny bit more badass. 
Me after the, like, 6th time she faints.
Verdict: On my new verdict ratings I'm going to give the book 3.5 stars, I most likely will read the sequel but I don't plan on buying the paperback versions, it'll be either Nook or library for me ;) Oh and 18+ guys. 

Fave Quotes: 
“I just inherited a ghost dog.” Duke was in the back seat, his head hanging out the window.” 

As always if you've read this book feel free to link your reviews in the comments :)  Until next time x


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